We’re great in a crisis, but know the best way to resolve disasters is to avoid them completely. That’s what happened with Dallas-based Reddy Ice, a long-time client and the largest producer of packaged ice south of the North Pole.
Every business has a busy season. For many it’s Christmas. For Reddy Ice, it’s The Fourth of July, when most of America goes outside despite temperatures that pass 90 degrees. It’s the one day that everyone needs bags of ice!
On one July 4th a few years back, Reddy Ice avoided a crisis because Elevated was on the job overnight, providing 24/7/365 backup. While monitoring their systems, our crew noticed that a number of their servers had gone down. A quick timeline:
- This was just before 4:00 AM.
- By 4:30, an engineer was onsite.
- By 7:00 AM their network was back online.
Their end-users never knew anything was wrong and Reddy Ice enjoyed another extremely successful July 4th.